Side Questing on Coruscant and Taris

It’s been some time since the last update on my failed Jedi run and thought it was high time I got back to it. There were a couple of side quests on Coruscant that never appeared and I’m guessing they were locked behind progression for either the main or planet arc. There were multiple moments where I thought, ‘wait where’s that one quest?’ and then realized I was thinking of a purple mission.

One thing I noticed was how quiet Coruscant is on Satele Shan. Star Forge’s Coruscant isn’t chatty, but at least some conversation will happen at some point. I saw plenty of other players though they all seemed focused on leveling. Another thing I realized is that no one was farming the world boss the entire time I was there unlike Star Forge. I was kind of bummed about that since it’s an easy way to level up and get quick conquest points. I thought maybe someone could be using the global chat channel to recruit others like Star Forge’s “Allies” does sometimes. So, I looked up what Satele Shan’s global channel was and joined “Endgame.” Unfortunately, it was pretty dead, and I rarely saw anyone talking.

I was only level 19 when I finished all side quests on Coruscant. Since I couldn’t leave for another planet yet, I went ahead and did the heroics. It was difficult doing it all by myself with no companion and I died a couple times. Eventually I began stealthing as much as possible. It was worth it as it gave me much better gear and helped me level up enough so I could leave the planet.

Wandering around Taris while looking for quests was fun. I tend not to go off the beaten path so there were a couple missions I haven’t done in years. I was a little sad I couldn’t do the Endar Spire quest because it’s a purple mission, but I did stop by and grabbed a screenshot.

Since I had difficulties with the heroics on Coruscant I wasn’t sure I would be able to fare much better with Taris. I asked in chat if anyone wanted to group up for heroics, but no one answered. Since I had leveled up enough to leave the planet I decided to head for Nar Shaddaa.

I’m definitely going to have to rethink my strategy on heroics. I knew it would be difficult without a companion, but I guess it’s been a while since I did them on a lowbie with terrible gear. The side quests on the planets are still easy to do by myself at least. I might have to eventually reverse my no companions rule if I want to do the heroics since I’m unlikely to find anyone willing to group up with me. For now, I’m going to stick with doing side quests and maybe I’ll try pugging flashpoints if I really feel like I need better gear.

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